
(Be aware that all scitropin come unlabelled, please check your supplier on the home page in order to verify his legitimacy )
Substance: Human Growth Hormone
Packaging : 10 x 10 UI kit
SciTropin is Sciroxx labs brand name for somatropin, a human growth hormone produced by
recombinant DNA technology. SciTropin has 191 amino acids and a molecular weight
of about 22,124 daltons. Its amino acid sequence is identical to that of human growth
hormone of pituitary origin. SciTropin is synthesized in a strain of Escherichia coli modified by insertion of the human growth hormone gene.
SciTropin is supplied in 100IU (33mg) kits of 10 vials of 10IU (3.33mg) each
The body of a human being is composed of billions of cells. Cells are organized into tissues. Everyday, a good number of the cells die a natural death. There is nothing anybody can do about this. Cell death is accentuated by environmental factors such as sunlight, germs and the constant abrasive forces to which a body is subjected to.
Loss of cells can be detrimental if nothing is done about it. You have billions of them alright but losing them that fast can leave you with nothing. Greying hair, loss of muscle tone, sagging of skin, weight gain, and many other signs of senility are markers for the degree of loss and modification of cells.
A human body has natural mechanisms that reduce the effect of cell death. The major way of ensuring continuity of tissues is through the Human Growth Hormone. This hormone is produced by the somatotropic cells of the anterior pituitary gland. It promotes cellular regeneration, tissue growth and development. It is responsible for the replacement of cells that are lost diurnally. It also helps the immune system in combating infectious agents like bacteria and viruses.
Now that you have HGH, why do you still get old? This hormone is itself produced by cells- the somatotrophs. The cells are subject to death, just like any other cell in the body. The actual reason why production of the hormone diminishes in not certain. The painful truth however, is that at 40, you are already deficient of the hormone and by 80, the regenerative capacity of your cells goes down to 90-95%.
Everybody faces the same fate in regard to the diminishing synthesis of HGH. You have seen how essential the hormone is in maintaining the youthful appearance and feel. You have also seen how it reduces in level with age and the effects thereof. The big question now is; Are those people older than you and who look younger than you any special. Are their pituitary glands an exception.? This questions are not without a basis. A simple answer is that nobody is special and no pituitary gland is exempted. All have the same destiny.
How To Look Young And Healthy… the Big Secret
You may now be feeling overwhelmed with mysteries. A direct answer is that the mysterious people use supplemental HGH. These supplements cover up for the tired somatotrophs. They perform the same function as the natural hormone, or increase its synthesis and thus keep your body younger.
The well-documented anti-aging qualities of HGH have made it a subject of discussion in international media houses like the CNN, Oprah Winfrey, The American Journal of Medicine, Newsweek and Dateline.
The New England Journal of Medicine, in their recent study, has established that HGH causes a dramatic decrease in body fat and an increase in lean body mass.
Scitropin Benefits :
Additional benefits of the hormone include:
- Low cholesterol level, decreased susceptibility to hypertension, and increased strength of bones and muscles
- Improved wound healing and an enhanced immune system
- good memory, better vision and a positive personality
- high libido and improved sexual performance
- more peaceful and rejuvenating sleep
- increased cardiac output and a parallel increase in strength and virility
- regeneration of thicker and healthier hair
- enhanced skin tone and resolution of wrinkles